Safety rules

  • Do not take any unnecessary things to the adventure course.
  • Dress appropriately, wear weatherproof shoes. Additionally: no sandals or slip-off shoes (sporting shoes are recommended); long hair must be tied back and jewellery removed; waists must be covered and piercing removed or taped over for safety.
  • There is a risk of mosquito bites by the river. Take mosquito repellent with.
  • A written agreement must be signed by every customer before starting the adventure course.
  • Safety equipment must be provided and instructions must be given before setting to the adventure course.
  • Minimum height requirement to use the adventure course/tracks is 140 cm (except the hiking route).
  • People under 14 are allowed to the adventure course only under the supervision of a grown-up person.
  • Safety equipment is for personal use only and it is forbidden to give it to the third parties.
  • If you need to take off your safety strap during the adventure course (e.g using WC, getting changed or other), placement must be checked by the supervisor.
  • After finishing the adventure course you should return safety equipment without any delay.
  • Make sure that you are attached to the lifeline (safety cable) during the whole course.•Do not use adventure course in case of thunderstorm.
  • Before the zip slide (aerial runway) make sure that previous adventurer has left the landing zone.
  • When taking your pet to the adventure park, be sure that your friend will not harm other visitors. Keep your dog in leash, use muzzles if necessary.
  • Save our nature − use marked hiking traks!

Lontova adventure park´s project is made by Flydog Solutions OÜ.

Standard EVS-EN 1176-1:2008 issued by Estonian Centre for Standardisation is used in designing.

Safety is guaranteed with:

mountain climbing equipment – safety belt, carabiners, ropes, rollers;
safety rope – to which our adventurers are connected to;
ground anchors – cables are attached to injection piles;
safety instructions – mandatory for all adventurers.


Liitu meie uudistega


Seikluspargi LASTEALA:
E-P 12-17. Teised rajad: eelneva broneerimisega.

BLÜCHERI kohvik: E-P  12-17
(muul ajal ette tellides).

PUHKEMAJA on avatud aastaringselt.


OÜ TT Lontova 11598348
Laane 1, Kunda
+372 5360 6666





OÜ TT Lontova on saanud puhkamajasse vajaliku inventari soetamiseks toetust Leader programmist.
Toetus on antud eesmärgiga suurendada piirkonnas tegutseva turismiettevõtja konkurentsivõimet ja jätkusuutlikkust, et pakkuda elanikele ja külastajatele uusi kohalikul ressursil põhinevaid teenuseid.

TT Lontova OÜ on saanud toetuse projektile “Lontova seikluspargi kohvikusse köögitehnika ostmine”, millega on ostetud Lontova seikluspargi Blücheri kohvikusse uus kohvimasin ja külmkapp.

TT Lontova OÜ on saanud toetust projektile “Päikeseelektrijaama rajamine”, mille eesmärgiks on viia TT Lontova OÜ turismiteenuse osutamine üle päikeseenergiale ning seeläbi kasvatada ettevõtte jätkusuutlikkust ja konkurentsivõimet. Projekti tulemusena on puhkemaja katusele rajatud 15 kW võimsusega päikeseelektrijaam, tänu millele hoiame kokku elektrienergiale kuluvaid ressursse ning pakume teenuseid efektiivsemalt.



OÜ TT Lontova 11598348
Laane 1, Kunda
+372 5360 6666

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